Education & Technology

Education’s digital future

Across the world, educators and thought leaders in education as asking themselves what is in store for education at all levels – from kindergarten through K12 and on to higher education. There are websites for all kinds of occasions and concerns. There are policy debates. Concerns with technology combine with concerns for organizational learning. One thing is that educators are faced with invitations and pressures to change; “innovation” is the going term. But innovate what? Your own teaching practice? Your institution? Your institute? Your institution’s collaborative culture? No one really

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We are the world, right?

Notes from the classroom: The importance of being there A lecture with my international students sums up this week, for me. I teach a course in global political communication. I have about eight different nationalities in my class. And this week we were to talk about how the international media frame and cultivate the theme of “global survival issues”; like poverty, climate change, ethnic class division and locked-in despair. Does it matter how the news media report on these challenges? Europe is on fire with refugee challenges. We all sort of tend

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Learning and global development

Exited to plan for the upcoming BETT conference in Mexico City, where I will be doing two plenary talks to an audience unfamiliar to me: Spanish-speaking teachers and education managers. The notes are here, and by way of a few small points: [dg ids=”898,899″] How can one link the discussion of learning, technology and globalisation to the UN Global Development Goals? How should we think about that? From the rosy red to the realistically reliable – what does the research literature really say about these sorts of things? Is there

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Sailing home; Flying Frenchmen on the beach

Coming to California, and then just never leaving…. The story repeats itself all the time: You live here in the Bay Area and you meet nice people, talkative people. As today, when I walked with my family down by the Alameda beaches in the Bay, looking at the occasional swimmer, surfer and bird celebrating the last days of April. This is a wonderful place to do so. But I approach this guy working on his gear to get ready for the mounting winds. He´s from France, it appears. He is

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