Samfunnet digitaliseres, sies det. Det transformeres og vi snakker stadig mer om det. Universitetene holder seg alle med forskningssentre der teknologi utforskes utifra teknologien i seg selv og utifra samfunnsmessige konsekvenser, i nåtid, fortid, ettertid og framtid. På flyplasser verden over får du kjøpt bøker om lederskap i vår digitale tid, om hvordan bli et bedre menneske og hvordan redde verden mens du selv blir milliardær som teknologigründer eller investor, superfort. På universitetene lærer du stort sett at ting ikke er så enkle. Mange av oss spør oss, enten vi
Read MoreArticles by: Oddgeir Tveiten
Alltid på
Sommeren har gitt et velkomment avbrekk fra hverdagen på jobb. Den har også vært en påminner om grenser som ikke lenger er der og som nok burde være der hvis ikke arbeidslivet skal få sin egen versjon av «klimakrise» — eller det vi kan kalle en situasjon der naturen ikke klarer å reparere seg selv fordi de menneskelige inngrepene i økosystemet er blitt for omfattende. Arbeidslivet er så mye, men det er også et økosystem. Selvsagt forskjellig fra det ene feltet til det andre. Mitt felt er universitet og høyskole.
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Higher Education and Blockchain
Making sense of decentralizing technology As part of an Erasmus+ project I am engaged in, I recently edited together a video based on talks with Phil Komarny, talks that have occurred over the span of a few years. The particular theme coming out here, centers on Blockchain and the various ways in which blockchains might impact on higher education. This was a main theme at our World Learning Summit in 2018. Phil Komarny has been working for a long time on the implications of Blockchain particularly on US higher education.
Read MoreWhat comes after COVID?
An interview with a university president Some time back I conducted an interview with the President of the University of Agder, in Southern Norway, Ms. Sunniva Whittaker. The interview was part of a process preparing for our annual conference World Learning Summit, where our university president has participated in parts each year since she entered office. Enthusiastic as we are about that, we also wanted to know a bit more in detail her thoughts on how a university re-connects after a long period of so-called ´lock-down´. Here is that interview.
Read MoreWhat is political communication?
Big question, simple explanation Following up on a previous post explaining the reasons and formats for these ‘concept videos’, a few more will follow. In this particular video I reflect over the concept of political communication. Where does the concept come from? How relevant are classical theories and models today? Why ought students of social science today to know something about the origins of political communication as an academic theme and a scholarly field? To provide an example of whyt we should ask, one might consider the book in the
Read MoreWhat is global journalism?
Big question, simple explanation In this video I go though basic issues and questions related to the concept of ‘global journalism’ – what it means, and how it is being used. Should we understand ‘global journalism’ as a particular style of news reporting? Or do we concentrate on the political economy of globalization? These questions are raised for a simple reason: ‘Global journalism’ has become a term, used generally and also particularly to refer to university&college degree programs. All of thich begs the question: What is it, really all about?
Read MoreHello 2021: A new year — some old reflections:
It’s a new year and a new beginning … or possibly another repeat. A challenge at the start of a new year is to remember the pledges and resolutions from last year. Much depends on perspective. Some resolutions never made sense in 2020 or before: Be a better person, exercise more, eat less, talk more or less, write letters, visit parents, and you know — all those things that you either do or do not, regardless of resolutions. One perspective from 2020 centers on teaching, on being a teacher, on
Read More2020: Looking back
About 2020 This post also appeared on Substack. We can agree that 2020 was a not too great year, COVID-19 added to other disasters and President Trump refusing to accept election defeat. A fast look at news media around the world is enough to confirm that there was no lack of disasters, catastrophes and crises. How easy if is to forget that something else also was true: Many things to celebrate, stuff that went well despite COVID. For me personally one of those was the way the New York Times
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