Making sense of decentralizing technology As part of an Erasmus+ project I am engaged in, I recently edited together a video based on talks with Phil Komarny, talks that have occurred over the span of a few years. The particular theme coming out here, centers on Blockchain and the various ways in which blockchains might impact on higher education. This was a main theme at our World Learning Summit in 2018. Phil Komarny has been working for a long time on the implications of Blockchain particularly on US higher education.
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Hello 2021: A new year — some old reflections:
It’s a new year and a new beginning … or possibly another repeat. A challenge at the start of a new year is to remember the pledges and resolutions from last year. Much depends on perspective. Some resolutions never made sense in 2020 or before: Be a better person, exercise more, eat less, talk more or less, write letters, visit parents, and you know — all those things that you either do or do not, regardless of resolutions. One perspective from 2020 centers on teaching, on being a teacher, on
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Future Learning Lab — et forskernettverk — står bak en årlig konferanse som etter hvert samler et betydelig antall fageller — i 2015 ca. 200 og i 2016 opp mot 300 på den innledende plenumsdagen. Et par referanser her til våre konferanser i 2015 og 2016 slik Handelshøyskolen BI og interesseorganisasjonen Abelia presenterte oss: Hjemmesida vår 2016 her. BI Learning Labs hjemmesider, datert 24.april 2015: Et utdrag her fra BIs presentasjon av vår konferanse i mai 2015 — og ditto fra Abelia i 2016. — “BI samarbeider med Future Learning
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