About 2020 This post also appeared on Substack. We can agree that 2020 was a not too great year, COVID-19 added to other disasters and President Trump refusing to accept election defeat. A fast look at news media around the world is enough to confirm that there was no lack of disasters, catastrophes and crises. How easy if is to forget that something else also was true: Many things to celebrate, stuff that went well despite COVID. For me personally one of those was the way the New York Times
Read MoreInnovation
Blockchain in education
Blockchain technology has been all over the news in recent months, mostly focused on Bitcoin and the many debates concerning “cryptocurrency”. In months to come we are likely to see more of a debate also on other uses of Bitcoin, begging the question: What is it? One interesting source I found recently is this one. In a nutshell, a blockchain is a decentralized public ledger that, according to Investopedia, “allows market participants to keep track of digital currency transactions without central recordkeeping”. Coindesk, which calls itself a “global resource on bitcoin and
Read MoreFacebookers, unite!
Weeksworthy, November 25th 2017 The Atlantic Monthly — on a Saturday, not much competes with a newspaper on paper, but given how expensive it is to have The New York Times delivered to my door, and four days late, I settle for the next best: Online magazines, NYT and other reads; stuff that´s been piling up in the past week. And this week, for sure, the Atlantic Magazine story about The Education of Mark Zuckerberg tops that list: Anyone who reads on technology and innovation online, or whoever saw the
Read MoreThe future and the future of journalism
Understanding the globalization of journalism entails reflection on a wide range of factors – not just factors shaping journalism as such, like the coming of social media and the so-called “sharing economy”, with Google stealing alle the advertising with a smarter scheme. Discussions are found everywhere concerning these aspects of the future of journalism and how journalism is being affected by new technologies – disrupting established practices and financial models. Now, what about climate change as a phenomenon, escalating cultural and civilizational conflicts, the interlocking of the world into one
Read MoreOn the life and death of innovation
Listen to Robert Gordon talk about the future of growth and innovation – or the lack of it. This TedTalk, from February 2013, presents an argument that the US economy has been expanding wildly for two centuries, but is now slowing to a halt, if not a stop. Are we witnessing the end of growth? Economist Robert Gordon presents and explains factors like epidemic debt and growing inequality, which could move the US into a period of stasis we can’t innovate our way out of. The talk begins with a
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