
About Artificial Intelligence

A readworthy article from Washington Post, by Bill LaPlante and Katharyn White: “Artificial intelligence is the future. Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Appleare all making big bets on AI. (Amazon owner Jeff Bezos also owns The Washington Post.) Congress has held hearings and even formed a bipartisan Artificial Intelligence Caucus. From health care to transportation to national security, AI has the potential to improve lives. But it comes with fears about economic disruption and a brewing “AI arms race .” Like any transformational change, it’s complicated. Perhaps the biggest AI myth

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Facebookers, unite!

Weeksworthy, November 25th 2017 The Atlantic Monthly — on a Saturday, not much competes with a newspaper on paper, but given how expensive it is to have The New York Times delivered to my door, and four days late, I settle for the next best: Online magazines, NYT and other reads; stuff that´s been piling up in the past week. And this week, for sure, the Atlantic Magazine story about The Education of Mark Zuckerberg tops that list: Anyone who reads on technology and innovation online, or whoever saw the

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Freedom, justice, and the news; the question of Snowden

A conference on democracy and religion, migration, power money A few days back, Edward Snowden joined the 2016 Athens conference on democracy, hosted by the New York Times, in the company of Ken Roth who is the Executive Director of Human Rights Watch. The close to one hour long interview was conducted by Steven Erlanger – the New York Times Bureau Chief in London. And it is most definitely worth a watch. Mr. Erlanger starts by asking why Mr. Snowden does not come home to face the charges and risk the

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The future and the future of journalism

Understanding the globalization of journalism entails reflection on a wide range of factors – not just factors shaping journalism as such, like the coming of social media and the so-called “sharing economy”, with Google stealing alle the advertising with a smarter scheme. Discussions are found everywhere concerning these aspects of the future of journalism and how journalism is being affected by new technologies – disrupting established practices and financial models. Now, what about climate change as a phenomenon, escalating cultural and civilizational conflicts, the interlocking of the world into one

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Education´s digital future?

As we are nearing the World Learning Summit June 14th – 16th; a few thoughts on how technology impacts on education and learning. We are all familiar with the debate on Massive Open Online Courses, and the history of MOOCs ascending, subsequent worries, commercialisation issues and more. We are familiar with the accelerating research and exploration on “flipped classroom”, and much more. But it still seems as if the way educational institutions and education research approaches the spectre of new learning forms, lacks a certain scope: What C.Wright Mills once

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Learning and global development

Exited to plan for the upcoming BETT conference in Mexico City, where I will be doing two plenary talks to an audience unfamiliar to me: Spanish-speaking teachers and education managers. The notes are here, and by way of a few small points: [dg ids=”898,899″] How can one link the discussion of learning, technology and globalisation to the UN Global Development Goals? How should we think about that? From the rosy red to the realistically reliable – what does the research literature really say about these sorts of things? Is there

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The New Internet Elite

Andrew Keen: The Internet is Not the Answer Andrew Keen is out with his new book, where much of his previous argumentation is bound together in a voice more persuasive and harsh than before — so, before anything else is said; this is a book to read and think seriously about. Keen, known to many as THE Internet contrarian, argues very convincingly how the Internet creates more problems than it solves, eradicates more jobs than it creates and portends to be a device for more openness and transparency when in

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