Media and Politics

Digital populism

Resending this entire post from Open Society Foundations, because it is worth resending. Click the links to go on. The original was posted in 2011. It´s been a while. Here is the link to the quotes below. And here is the link to Open Society Foundations homesite. And for the sake of information — founder of this website and organization: George Soros. Populist parties and movements are now a force to be reckoned with in many Western European countries. These groups are known for their opposition to immigration, their “anti-establishment” views, and

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Uncharted homeland territory

Disrupted: The politics of belonging David Brooks, in the New York Times this morning – October 31st, 2018: “What you see is good people desperately trying to connect in an America where bonds are attenuated — without stable families, tight communities, stable careers, ethnic roots or an enveloping moral culture. There’s just a whirl of changing stepfathers, changing homes, changing phone distractions, changing pop-culture references, financial stress and chronic drinking, which make it harder to sink down roots into something, or to even have a spiritual narrative that gives meaning

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