Are the media to blame for Trump´s success? Few have any doubt that Donald Trump is good at playing the media. With his extreme points of view, his sense of timing, shooting from the hip and sense of what triggers gut reaction, he hits one home run after the other. If media exposure were the main criterion for explaining Trump, it would be easy: No one else even comes close. But looking more closely, we also find that a lot of the media attention is either negative or extremely negative. So,
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Sailing home; Flying Frenchmen on the beach
Coming to California, and then just never leaving…. The story repeats itself all the time: You live here in the Bay Area and you meet nice people, talkative people. As today, when I walked with my family down by the Alameda beaches in the Bay, looking at the occasional swimmer, surfer and bird celebrating the last days of April. This is a wonderful place to do so. But I approach this guy working on his gear to get ready for the mounting winds. He´s from France, it appears. He is
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