New media

About Artificial Intelligence

A readworthy article from Washington Post, by Bill LaPlante and Katharyn White: “Artificial intelligence is the future. Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Appleare all making big bets on AI. (Amazon owner Jeff Bezos also owns The Washington Post.) Congress has held hearings and even formed a bipartisan Artificial Intelligence Caucus. From health care to transportation to national security, AI has the potential to improve lives. But it comes with fears about economic disruption and a brewing “AI arms race .” Like any transformational change, it’s complicated. Perhaps the biggest AI myth

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Blockchain in education

Blockchain technology has been all over the news in recent months, mostly focused on Bitcoin and the many debates concerning “cryptocurrency”. In months to come we are likely to see more of a debate also on other uses of Bitcoin, begging the question: What is it? One interesting source I found recently is this one.  In a nutshell, a blockchain is a decentralized public ledger that, according to Investopedia, “allows market participants to keep track of digital currency transactions without central recordkeeping”. Coindesk, which calls itself a “global resource on bitcoin and

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Facebookers, unite!

Weeksworthy, November 25th 2017 The Atlantic Monthly — on a Saturday, not much competes with a newspaper on paper, but given how expensive it is to have The New York Times delivered to my door, and four days late, I settle for the next best: Online magazines, NYT and other reads; stuff that´s been piling up in the past week. And this week, for sure, the Atlantic Magazine story about The Education of Mark Zuckerberg tops that list: Anyone who reads on technology and innovation online, or whoever saw the

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Globalization – a challenge for journalism

  What is the idea of global journalism and the critical discussion all about? Why spend time researching and critiquing something that seems both inevitable and general, vast complex and subject to a myriad of interpretations? Journalism has been going global for centuries – it has been in the DNA since invention: Yet, it seems like the invention of the internet and the world wide web om key respects completely changes the point with the discussion concerning global journalism. Below are some reflections and resources for studying and reflecting on the

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Artificial Intelligence; a journalism issue

  •• MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. “In its quest to maintain a United States military advantage, the Pentagon is aggressively turning to Silicon Valley’s hottest technology — artificial intelligence.” This is how an article in the New York Times begins, on May 13th 2016. And there is a lesson here, for those of us with an interest in global journalism. But first – the story continues: “On Wednesday, Secretary of Defence Ashton B. Carter made his fourth trip to the tech industry’s heartland since being named to his post last year. Before that, it

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Arthur C. Clarke on Education

There is a university that most of us have never heard of, unless you have reason to, or come from a place near by; it is called the University of Moratuwa. At one point in time it was known as the Ceylon College of Technology. If from Sri Lanka, certainly if from Sri Lanka, you will know of the many prizes students from this university have won in international competitions organised by the likes of Google and Microsoft. And one reason for it is Arthur C Clarke, who was the

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