OE Videos

What comes after COVID?

An interview with a university president Some time back I conducted an interview with the President of the University of Agder, in Southern Norway, Ms. Sunniva Whittaker. The interview was part of a process preparing for our annual conference World Learning Summit, where our university president has participated in parts each year since she entered office. Enthusiastic as we are about that, we also wanted to know a bit more in detail her thoughts on how a university re-connects after a long period of so-called ´lock-down´. Here is that interview.

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What is political communication?

Big question, simple explanation Following up on a previous post explaining the reasons and formats for these ‘concept videos’, a few more will follow. In this particular video I reflect over the concept of political communication. Where does the concept come from? How relevant are classical theories and models today? Why ought students of social science today to know something about the origins of political communication as an academic theme and a scholarly field? To provide an example of whyt we should ask, one might consider the book in the

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What is global journalism?

Big question, simple explanation In this video I go though basic issues and questions related to the concept of ‘global journalism’ – what it means, and how it is being used. Should we understand ‘global journalism’ as a particular style of news reporting? Or do we concentrate on the political economy of globalization? These questions are raised for a simple reason: ‘Global journalism’ has become a term, used generally and also particularly to refer to university&college degree programs. All of thich begs the question: What is it, really all about?

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