Across the world, educators and thought leaders in education as asking themselves what is in store for education at all levels – from kindergarten through K12 and on to higher education. There are websites for all kinds of occasions and concerns. There are policy debates. Concerns with technology combine with concerns for organizational learning. One thing is that educators are faced with invitations and pressures to change; “innovation” is the going term. But innovate what? Your own teaching practice? Your institution? Your institute? Your institution’s collaborative culture? No one really knows. What we know is that with the emergence of Web 2.0 and what comes after it, not much is going to remain what it once was. Just hold your breath; and the reality of globalized higher education will soon be a concern for all of us in academia – in 2010 no one thought news papers would die a digital death, but then they did. Education?

Here are a few videos to prod the reflection along.