Visual futures of education

How do students respond to the challenge of making stuff in class, rather than commenting on stuff in your usual group interactions? What happens when you ask them to express themselves differently, and together? Exploring new formats for student interaction – also known as collaborative learning? At our World Learning Summit in June 2016, WeVideo presented their tool for cloud-based, collaborative video production. They were with us at our Stanford University conference in May 2015, as well. And today, we got the chance at the University of Agder to spend

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Various interview segments; Leonard Cohen

  Stina Dabrowski interviews Leonard Cohen in Paris in 2001. Includes conversations from Mt. Baldy Zen Center, 1997. Also recitations of “The Correct Attitude” and “Sorrows of the Elderly” and “Because Of.” Check out the original source here:…

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Rhetoric and propaganda in journalism

Notes from a lecture: The main change since my first time doing this lecture, is the ways in which these concepts now have become commonplace in journalism critique. They did not use to be. But anyway — what is propaganda? And how does it relate to the study of rhetoric? A group of smart MA students meeting tomorrow to discuss the matter. By way of an illustration, here is one of those old-time Hollywood propaganda stunts — propaganda is not a new phenomenon, and neither is good propaganda. But again —

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A lecture on global journalism

Connecting journalism to global development Journalism is undergoing changes spurred by media technologies. Media ubiquity is reshaping much of our thinking about cultural and political development. From this point ov view we may want to revisit some of the classics in the study of the media and modernizaton — that is the confluding thought in this particular lecture. A lecture coming up this morning on globalization, media development and journalism prompts the following question: What is the connection, or whether there is one in particular? How does one unite these

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Freedom, justice, and the news; the question of Snowden

A conference on democracy and religion, migration, power money A few days back, Edward Snowden joined the 2016 Athens conference on democracy, hosted by the New York Times, in the company of Ken Roth who is the Executive Director of Human Rights Watch. The close to one hour long interview was conducted by Steven Erlanger – the New York Times Bureau Chief in London. And it is most definitely worth a watch. Mr. Erlanger starts by asking why Mr. Snowden does not come home to face the charges and risk the

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Notater fra BI og Abelia: Future Learning Lab

Future Learning Lab — et forskernettverk — står bak en årlig konferanse som etter hvert samler et betydelig antall fageller — i 2015 ca. 200 og i 2016 opp mot 300 på den innledende plenumsdagen. Et par referanser her til våre konferanser i 2015 og 2016 slik Handelshøyskolen BI og interesseorganisasjonen Abelia presenterte oss: Hjemmesida vår 2016 her. BI Learning Labs hjemmesider, datert 24.april 2015: Et utdrag her fra BIs presentasjon av vår konferanse i mai 2015 — og ditto fra Abelia i 2016. — “BI samarbeider med Future Learning

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